Wisebrick is orchestrating the future of materials and supply chains, today.
Towards a decarbonised, waste-free, high-yield, and health-conscious real estate industry.
Our value proposition.
WiseBrick is enabling property owners to seamlessly and structurally enhance their property portfolio potential across its lifecycle. To do so it will: Tackle its environmental impact (mainly embodied carbon footprint and materials waste), enhance net yield and residual value, reduce risk and increase market relevance.
We are re-connecting building owners to the true potential of their buildings, through bringing trusted knowledge to their fingertips, which they can use to their advantage at various ‘building-centric’ events such as sales, rentals, risk assessments, valuation, optimizing material choices during mutations, environmental impacts simulation, etc.

What we do.
A cloud-based, software as a service, secure, open and integrated platform, that provides a wealth of actionable insights to real estate professionals, valuable throughout the lifecycle of their assets. This enables a ‘re-connection’ with the true potential of their buildings.
We’ve developed an effective way to digitise both existing and new buildings at scale, with the right level of granularity and data architecture. This forms our “digital backbone of matter” which is the digital mold that is robust, flexible and integrated with its IT landscape where relevant. This is fundamental to the generation of quality insights.
Actionable insights across lifecycle of the asset.
These insights increase property value and yield, reduce risk and structurally enhance the environmental performance (decarbonisation and waste).
The ripple effect, towards a hybrid professional supply chain.
The appropriate digital foundation we are building, are a corner stone for the success of a professional marketplace for reused items and a hybrid supply chain (new and reused converging).
There is a growing need for professional circular procurement of construction materials. A trusted, structural supply of relevant information to construction procurement professionals will allow a shift towards mainstream, circular purchasing and urban mining.